Posts Tagged ‘college parents’

Is Your High School Graduate Ready to Transition to College?

May 23, 2019

Soon after students graduate from high school, it is important to begin the “transition to college” conversations with your teens to help them better acclimate to this new experience. It is not just the academic changes they will encounter, but more importantly an opportunity to discuss what they will need to do in order to have a successful transition.

As a college admissions consultant, I make an appointment with each student to discuss time management, financial matters and getting off on the right start. I know that many students are academically prepared, but the college schedule is usually dramatically different from what they are used to in high school. They need to learn where and when to study and understand the expectations of their college professors. They also need to know where to go if they need academic help.

New college students need to understand how to handle their finances and learn the basics of financial literacy so that their credit remains good and they do not get into problems involving money. Most importantly, students need to be responsible with credit cards and realize how easy it is to go into debt by charging items and not paying off the balance. Too many credit companies prey on college students.

As a independent college consultant, I like to pay special attention to safety on a college campus and helping students do everything they can to use the necessary precautions. I think every student needs to understand how drinking and drugs can be the road to disaster. I emphasize, especially with the young women, that they come together and leave together when attending a party or event, watch their drinks and never leave them unattended, and be very cautious when walking on a campus at night.

Since mental health is such a big issue on college campuses, I emphasize to every student how important it is to get help if they feel anxious, depressed or suicidal. Students should know where to go on the college campus to get the assistance they need and not wait and hope things will get better. They also need to tell their parents how they are feeling so that their parents can intervene if necessary.

These are just a few of the “transition to college” talks to have with your student. They need not be long, but they do need to be discussed. I think if parents begin these conversations during the summer, students will feel more confident as they begin their college experience.

College Direction meets with high school graduates and their parents to have the “transition to college” conversation. Call 303-692-1918 if you are interested. Sometimes students respond better to a college consultant because I am not their parent.

accomplishment ceremony education graduation

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